Sunday, May 31, 2015
Day 1 in Berlin: The Reichstag and a Wedding
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Walking Berlin with natives
Today Sarah Homokey and I walked around Berlin with some of my hosts, Lulu's friends. We got to use the U-Bahn, and just walk around, which sounds boring, but to us it was very new. I expecially had a hard time remembering to not cross the road without looking both ways! Oh and the bikes. So many people on bikes.
For Mittagessen we, Sarah, our host, and their friends, had Indian food. Lulu's dad made it, and it was SO GOOD. I had never really had Indian food before, and I was hesitant to eat it, but I am glad I did! It was so good.
in the afternoon we just walked aroind Berlin. I was also more comfortable speaking in German. If I mess up, they will correct me and all is okay! I really liked walking around and reading the signs, and if I didn't know a word it was easy to ask one of the girls for help.
Friday, May 29, 2015
When in Iceland, do as the Icelanders do.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
GAPP 2015 is almost here!

It's less than a week until we Ami's leave Kingsport and only seven days til we arrive in Berlin!
What do you think will be the most difficult thing for Americans to adjust to during our time in Berlin?